Monday, October 5, 2009

Where to go from here?

So I’m still a little stuck with my desire to write. For the past several weeks I’ve started and stopped nearly half a dozen ideas. They seem great and then they peter out. The idea pops into my head and I take off. The first page, then two, then three all come flying across the screen as my fingers type at breakneck speed on the keyboard. I hit my time limit or the idea just fades and I’m left with three pages of a some what acceptable intro….and nothing else!

I’ve even had an outline or two. I’ve come up with a mystery or three that seems super-mega-cool only to sound flat and boring upon reflection. I’ve got characters galore but no one with any sort of depth. I live in a world of cardboard cutouts.

I did finally start a story though and while I have not gotten far it had a depth the previous attempts lacked….but it was a Western Fantasy! Do I even try to write this thing that should not be? Do you spend the time trying to write something that you know isn’t going to sell? Or is this simply my inner critic telling me, “You suck my friend. Get over it.”

I’m sticking with it for now, well because I’ve not had anything else plop into my head, but I still really want to write a mystery. I want to have that recurring character that everyone loves and I doubt there is much of a market for a cowboy fighting werewolves and vampires. (Unless of course Stephen King writes it…or Nancy A. Collins….or Charlaine Harris.)

Still, if I can give enough character to this cowboy of mine perhaps there is a market for it. If I can create such a sympathetic character that the world will want to know what happens to him then perhaps, I too, shall have my own HBO series! Dreams are good but perhaps I should have a bit more modest ones… oh I dunno FINISHING IT FIRST!!! Thanks for listening folks and may all your dreams come true.

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